The significance of acoustic control in curtain wall design

The significance of acoustic control in curtain wall design


Unlike traditional walls that support the building’s weight, curtain walls are lightweight facade solutions made of glass and metal frames. Their main purpose isn’t structural, but rather to enhance the building’s aesthetics. They let in abundant natural light, creating a brighter and more inviting atmosphere. However, curtain walls are popular not only for their aesthetics but also for their ability to make buildings quieter and manage sound better. Here, we share some of the important advantages of acoustic control provided by curtain walls.

Ensuring comfort and well-being inside hospitals and offices :

Certain buildings require quieter indoor environments. Some buildings, such as hospitals and offices, require significantly quieter environments to function effectively. This is because excessive noise can disrupt communication, concentration, and even patient recovery. With the acoustic control of curtain wall designs, it becomes much easier to reduce the noise levels in these settings, helping to create a comfortable space for the occupants of these buildings.

Regulatory compliance:

Building codes often set soundproofing standards depending on the building type. For instance, hospitals need quieter environments than factories. Owners who fail to meet these standards can face fines. Curtain walls with special soundproofing features can help meet these standards, saving owners from potential penalties.

Improved sound insulation:

Regardless of the kind of building, reducing outside noise inside a building is always desirable. The acoustic insulation properties of curtain walls can help in this regard. They can cut down on the noise that travels indoors from external sources, such as traffic and construction activities.

Reduced internal noise transmission:

By using special sound-absorbing materials, curtain walls can help keep noise from traveling from one room to another, making different sections of the building more peaceful.

Factors affecting acoustic performance:

  • Glazing: The type of glass used, its thickness, and spacing between panes significantly impact sound insulation.
  • Sealing: Proper sealing around window frames and joints is important to prevent air leaks and noise transmission.

Modern curtain walls can be both beautiful and soundproof! These innovative systems offer enhanced acoustic control without compromising the building’s aesthetics. This allows architects to achieve a perfect balance between design goals and the need for soundproofing.

Looking for unitized curtain walls?

Explore our curtain walls. They enhance building performance, ensure optimal energy efficiency, and offer weather resistance and acoustic control. They are completely glazed and assembled on the factory floors. We offer customizable curtain wall designs. Specify your operational, structural and aesthetic needs, we will tailor our solutions to fit your needs. We provide rainscreen spandrel options from different materials, such as terra cotta, metal panel, natural stone, and more.

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